Saturday 4 July 2009

Knit Club gets a makeover

One of my favourite days of the week has to be Wednesday, specifically between the hours of 7 and 10pm, due to Knit Club at Babahogs art cafe in Falmouth. I've met some amazing friends there, am supplied with superb tea, and get to knit to my hearts content.

We're coming up to the one year anniversary of KC, and Sarah, Jo and myself felt that a mini exhibition and an identity were needed. Yesterday I made a start on a logo which is made of a pair of knitting needles and a rectangular striped block (making a K), which comes off the left hand side of the page. On the first poster and the website banner, the logo seems to have wrapped itself round the page and reappears on the right hand side, then becomes a banner (scarf) for applying type to. This simple visual can be manipulated into other forms, I'm thinking a treble clef for music nights, and a first aid cross for advice sessions.

Its not quite there yet, the colours are too dark, making the text a bit unreadable, and the typeface is a bit splayed at the ends, I want a cleaner sans serif.

The blog page is:

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